What you will learn from this book work with the jsr286 portlets, helping you to build larger applications and reuse portlets in different scenarios build basic. Webcenter portal supports standardsbased java portlets built using the jsr 286 standard. However, this same content shows up in other jsr 286 rendering portlets on other pages. Grab my portlet development book, and get head first servlets and jsps, print out the jsr286 specification, and youre good to go. An update is necessary to address progress in java ee java technology that has taken place since jsr286 portlet specification 2. Athene connect is our information hub for financial professionals, providing uptodate information and valuable sales tools. As already discussed, wiring portlets together is portal container specific and is an addtional overhead. The portlet mvc framework is a mirror image of the web mvc framework, and also uses the same underlying view abstractions and integration. It shows liferays standardcomplied way to develop jsr 286 portlets. Uri of the virtual dataport server that the portlet will. In this book, we cover in detail how to create these portlets, and. Java portlet specification news newspapers books scholar jstor january 20 learn how and when to remove this template message. You can assemble portlets into a larger portal page, with multiple instances of the same. Portlets and apache portals book a book from portlet api.
Spring is a very popular framework, providing lots of features and functionalities organized in a modular fashion. This book is a practical guide for installing, configuring and building featurerich portal. This allows developers who want to use any jsr 168compliant portlet container to quickly build quality portlets. I have not used coldfusion for a long time now, but what caught my attention today is the support for jsr 168 and jsr 286 portlet standards. Build nextgeneration enterprise portals with oracle webcenter portal book skip to main content. He coauthered the book mastering ibm websphere portal wiley 2004 and. Jsr 168 vs jsr 286 the major improvements from jsr 168, as noted in the jsr 286 document events enabling a portlet to send and receive events and perform state changes or send further events as a result of processing an event. Public render parameters allowing portlets to share parameters with other portlets.
The jsr 286 web content viewer portlet uses private and public render parameters in order to store information about which item to render. You can find a complete list of the members of the expert group here. Build nextgeneration enterprise portals with oracle webcenter portal book skip to. Oct 29, 2008 jsr 286 is pretty recent, our jsr 286 portlet container is not out yet.
Like any new or updated technology, its proponents are touting and marketing it in an attempt to promote and attract interest. Updates to the original jsr java community process. Things you must not do, that would cause an otherwise jsr 286 compliant portlet to be considered only jsr 168. Portlets integration using jsr 286 vinay kumar selection from beginning oracle webcenter portal 12c. May 16, 20 as a jsr 286 portlet developer, you will never create a class that simply implements the portlet interface. This was possible between portlets that are in the same web application.
The new series jsr 286 portlet are series of examples using jsr 286 portlet api. Support for jsr 168 jsr 286 in coldfusion means that coldfusion users can use readily available portlets like syncex. This is a sponsored portlet in the uportal project. The book gives examples of advanced struts portlet development. Difference between jsr 168 and jsr 286 portlet life cycle,jsr 168 portlet life cycle,jsr 286 portlet life cycle. When clicking on jsr168 or jsr286 in the export column of the widgets status table, the user will have to fill in.
Why can i see content in jsr 286 rendering portlets on some. Portlets integration using jsr 286 beginning oracle. Mar 08, 2010 hi, im new at portlet jsr286, i have to write a portlet and consume it by a portal, that on loading phase it shows some kind of content take it from a web service, using a particular web method. In addition to supporting conventional servletbased web development, spring also supports jsr286 portlet development.
The facelet component tags are prefixed with the bridge. Customize liferay portal using the jsr286 portlets, hooks, ext plugins. To create a jsr 286 java portlet using the jdeveloper wizard. I checked my permissions and those are correctly set up what am i missing.
Jun 03, 2012 the new series jsr 286 portlet are series of examples using jsr 286 portlet api. Jsr 286 is advanced portlet specification and it was added new features to jsr 168. Building standardsbased java portlets using jsr 286. How to develop a very basic jsr 286 portlet web application. This book will give you plenty of handson examples to customize and extend liferay portal. Jsr 168 and jsr 286 books portals and portlets forum at. Difference between jsr 168 and jsr 286 portlet life cycle. Stack overflow for teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Work with the jsr286 portlets and extension environment, helping you to build larger applications and reuse portlets in different scenarios. Using adobe flex in jsr286 portlets this article shall show you how the adobe flex sdk can be used in a portal environment to enhance the user interface for a portlet. Using adobe flex in jsr 286 portlets this article shall show you how the adobe flex sdk can be used in a portal environment to enhance the user interface for a portlet. However, to allow receiver portlets to process the shared information and sending type safe values, we need to use portlet events. This jsr requests the creation of the next version of the portlet specification. Can not add wcm jsr 286 local rendering portlet to a page.
The portlet mvc framework is a mirror image of the web mvc framework, and also uses the same underlying view abstractions and integration technology. Portal 1 challenges there are a number of pain points of portal development which include. The book starts with the development of jsr286 portlets in liferay. A portlet first handles an action request, and then an event request, and only after that, it would render any request.
This specification would replace and extend the jsr 286 portlet specification 2. Good tutorialsbooks on jsr 286 portals and portlets forum. The following example is developed using rational application developer websphere portal 7. Stefan hepper, specification lead jsr 286, presented the a futuristic view of portlet specification 2. In version, the specification and the apis more than doubled. I worked on coldfusion long back and i am sure that it has changed a lot since then. Jan, 2011 jsr 168 vs jsr 286 the major improvements from jsr 168, as noted in the jsr 286 document events enabling a portlet to send and receive events and perform state changes or send further events as a result of processing an event. It was developed to improve on the shortcomings of the version 1. In addition, this article introduces the enterpriseclass portal open source project along with its subprojects that deliver key portalrelated. To do that, choose file new web project next provide a name, choose java ee 6 specification and finish the wizard.
If youre relying on oracles portlet container, youll have to wait a little longer. Hopefully well see some good 286 books in the near future. In the create jsr 286 java portlet wizard, you add portlet modes by adding them to a list on the content types and portlet modes page. Oct 11, 20 i worked on coldfusion long back and i am sure that it has changed a lot since then. Okay, maybe never is a little bit of an exaggeration, but when you code your portlets, you dont implement the portlet interface directly, but you extend the abstract class genericportlet instead, which itself implements the javax. Wsrpweb services for remote portletsspecification builds on current standard technologies, such as wsdl web services definition language, uddi universal. What id really like is something that contains one or more of the following lists. The book offers the reader the tools and information necessary to develop portlets and portal applications in two ways. Sep 09, 2009 1 thought on inter portlet coordination with jsr 286 ajay kumar gaur december 15, 2010 at 12. The following jsr286 tutorial, written by sal pece, explores how to forward to java server pages jspsfrom a portlet, while at the same time leveraging various portlet 2. The expert group of jsr 286 consists of all the major commercial and opensource portal developers, portlet bridge developers, and portlet framework developers.
Customize liferay portal using the jsr286 portlet, extension environment, and struts framework build your own social office with portlets, hooks, and themes and manage your own community the only liferay book aimed at java developers. The java portlet specification addresses the requirements of aggregation, was approved by the java community process in march as jsr this tutorial on jsr development provides an introduction to portlet programming as the reader is taken through the. Overall, jsr 286 portlet coordination features make complex portal applications modular and manageable. Good tutorialsbooks on jsr 286 portals and portlets. Jan 16, 2009 after nearly three years of development, jsr 286 was created to enhance jsr 168 and improve upon its shortcomings. This information is stored in the url until a threshold is exceeded and then only a placeholder is stored in the url and the value is stored in the session. Java community people was founf some of the limitations in jsr 168 and they are added new specifications to jsr 168 then they released as jsr 286 standards. Why can i see content in jsr 286 rendering portlets on. May 30, 20 the following jsr 286 tutorial, written by sal pece, explores how to forward to java server pages jspsfrom a portlet, while at the same time leveraging various portlet 2. Portlet to portlet communication through the server framework. The wizard enables you to implement the standard modes supported by jsr 286 and the extended modes provided by webcenter portal. It shows liferays standardcomplied way to develop jsr286 portlets.
Things you have to do to a jsr168 to make it become jsr286 compliant. Jsr 286 is pretty recent, our jsr 286 portlet container is not out yet. Jsr286, the latest portlet specification, addresses these problems. Things you must not do, that would cause an otherwise jsr286 compliant portlet to be considered only jsr168. As a jsr286 portlet developer, you will never create a class that simply implements the portlet interface. It illustrates how to write layout templates and themes in the plugins sdk environment.
Export to jsr168 or jsr286 portlet virtual dataport. A good jsr168 book, along with head first servlets and jsps, and using the standard documentation on the api to bring them together, seems to be the bes approach until someone handsome comes out. It has also previously been possible to use flex with jsr168 portlets and alike flexportal, but with the new portlet 2. Nitesh kumars technical blog nitesh kumars technical blog is for java,jsr168,jsr286,ibm wmq,spring jms,websphere portal,open source, jsreport, ruby related issues and solutions. Building standardsbased java portlets using jsr 286 oracle docs. Developing a jsr 286 portlet using spring mvc cloud news. The book starts with the development of jsr 286 portlets in liferay. At this point, it is not anticipated that any programming interfaces defined by the current version will need to be deprecated. Inter portlet coordination with jsr 286 programming. By using portlets as controllers, delegating complex business logic to javabeans or even a restful or soapbased. Java is a wide and farreaching technology, and servlets arent the only way to build a dynamic web application. Its primary strength lies in its ability to provide robust support for custom implementation of functionality using the jsr168 portlet api. This updated version of a july 2003 article highlights java portlet specification 1.
See also documentation in the announcementsportlet wiki on confluence. Inter portlet coordination with jsr 286 xebia blog. Among the set of features that the new portlet specification jsr286 introduces to make things easier for ajax implementations, are the options to directly communicate with the portlet through shared render parameters and resource serving. Inter portlet coordination with jsr 286 programming musings. Jun 12, 2006 stefan hepper, specification lead jsr 286, presented the a futuristic view of portlet specification 2. Jan 21, 2017 jsr 286 portlet life cycle also have all above jsr 168 4 methods, there are 2 new method introduce in jsr 286. A good jsr168 book, along with head first servlets and jsps, and using the standard documentation on the api to bring them together, seems to be the bes approach until someone handsome comes out with a jsr286 book. Hi, im new at portlet jsr286, i have to write a portlet and consume it by a portal, that on loading phase it shows some kind of content take it. It has also previously been possible to use flex with jsr 168 portlets and alike flexportal, but with the new portlet 2.
Some of the major enhancements of jsr 286 include inter portlet communication, wsrp 2. Work on jsr 286 started in january 2006, and the final version was submitted in february 2008. The presentation is available at what comes next in the portlet specification v 2. This sample creates a jsr 286 portlet project that shows events and public render parameters. Liferay faces bridge is a jsr 329 certified portlet bridge which provides the ability to deploy jsf 2. Install jsr 286 portlet support select the project and choose myeclipse project facets capabilities install jsr portlets facet next choose jsr 2. Stefan hepper is the responsible architect for the websphere portal, workplace client and server programming model and public apis and was coleading the java portlet specification v 1. Learn all about the second version of the java portlet specification jsr. Things you have to do to a jsr 168 to make it become jsr 286 compliant. For more information about using the wizard, see creating a jsr 286 java portlet.